a) According to Fukuyama, is genetic engineering of humans likely to occur in the future? What are the main obstacles in terms of technology and ethics and can they be overcome? Also, what are the main dangers?
He said that humans are not able to modify human DNA now, however he believes that humans will get the ability of genetic. There are some obstacles in this problem. First, the complexity of genes and traits is one of the obstacles. Human genes are really complicated and it is very hard to find out which causes which. Secondly, there is ethical problem about human experimantation. It is actually very dangerous to experiment on human beings because it may cause terrible results.Thirdly, population is also obstacle. The number of human is very large and genetic engineering will not catch up with the growing population. Fukuyama says that first two obstacles are easier to be overcome than the last one. But all of them can be overcome. The dangers of genetic engineering are side effects, eugenics, or inequality between rich people and not richman. Some of them, people can expect, but they have no idea about some of them.
b) What questions, critical reactions, or ideas do you have and want to discuss in relation to this article?
I understand genetic engineering, advantage of it, and disadvantage somehow. However, I really do not get the purpose of genetic engineering. Is it to make all people around the world perfect? Is it to make some particular people better than others? I want to believe that the first one is the purpose if the genetic engineering happens. Yet, if all human beings are perfect, some terrible thing will happen I guess. The company which sells medicine will be no longer needed, because no one get sick. Some teacher will be no longer needed, because all people are very intelligent and they do not need that help. Though I imagine these disaster, I still long for the first purpose. It is all because discrimintation is the worst. When all people are perfect, everyone is equal. However, the purpose of genetic engineering is not clear to me. I also think that it is not so clear to many people. When the purpose is not obvious, I think people should not do that. Here, I really want to say "十人十色(So many men, so many minds)" and "みんな違ってみんないい (by Misuzu Kaneko) (Difference gives us something wonderful), though being perfect does not mean being same, but they are kind of close.
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